
Photo Credit: Macworld
To completely understand this post, you’ll need to be familiar with these ones first:
Am I The Only One and Grabbety’s Say So
Don’t worry, they’re both short and quite funny.

I just read a remarkable post called, “The Pain,” from fellow blogger, Rehka Sahay. It’s a quote from Marcus Aurelius which states: If you are distressed by anything external, (I’m certain he is referring to iPads, internet lag issues, losing posts (which require a second one to be written), ‘SIRI’ not understanding anything you say, dead laptops, unrecoverable written work because you switched from paper to a computer screen…yeah…pretty sure he is referring to that.) the pain is not due to the thing itself, but to your estimate of it (it’s at this point I feel like Ethan Hunt, portrayed by Tom Cruise, in the movie, Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol. Do you remember the scene where Ethan is running down the skyscraper 1700 feet above Dubai’s streets, and runs out of the line he was using to keep him on the building? Not only that, he’s about fifteen feet away from where he needs to be. The pressure is on, time is running out, he’s trying figure out what he’s going to do, and William Brandt, portrayed by Jeremy Renner, looks at him and yells, “You’re line’s not long enough!” Then Ethan looks down at him and yells, “Well, no shit!” That right there, is how I feel); and this you have the power to revoke at any moment.

Wow. That last bit hits me like a Mack truck… and that is where my failure lies.

I can say that I’m working on it. My initial reaction is still the same at this point, after all, I just read the quote; but even yesterday, after I wrote the Grabbety’s Say So, I noticed that I was catching my self. Instead of the full out…well, let’s be honest here, temper tantrum, my response became, “You aggravating…”, and stopping there, instead of completing the sentence with, “piece of shit!”

And today, I don’t loathe my iPad, but it could be because I wrote this on my iPhone.

Well, I’ll see throughout the day, and keep you updated on my success or failure of ‘revoking’ my ‘estimates’ of ‘external’ annoyances.

**Until then, check out The Perfectly Imperfect Bunch – the blog dedicated to discovering the art of writing, for all the newest releases from a motley crew of talented writers!!**

© 2017 Grabbety Covens

2 Replies to “Annoyances”

  1. Gosh what a quote. Really like how you took it apart and responded to it bit by bit! I have been watching your feud with the iPad and I hope you continue to be on the winning end! Careful though… They’re tricksey hobbitses!

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